We are a partnership between Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research and the University, which fosters collaboration and supports high quality, high impact environmental research.
The Centre for Biosecurity and Biodiversity (CBB | Te Whare Tiaki Koiora | Mo te orangatonutanga o tō tātou Kanorau Koiora) recognises the complementary research objectives of Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research and the University of Auckland and facilitates collaboration between these organisations.
Our vision is to develop innovative science solutions that will protect and enhance New Zealand’s biodiversity. We will be a world-leading science-based institution, providing research, training and education programmes in applied biosecurity and biodiversity management by drawing on the complementary capabilities of both partners.
These programmes will deliver knowledge and support biosecurity and biodiversity policy and management entities at local, national and regional levels, ensuring these organisations have access to the most rigorous and innovative skills available.
Tīhei mauri ora!
Karanga te pō, karanga te ao!
Tākiri ana mai ngā hiko o te rangi
Whakatau iho ana
Ki pae maunga, ki pae whenua, ki pae tangata Hāpaitia te
ara tika i ngā tukanga Kanorau Koiora me te Tiaki Koiora,
pūmau ai te rangatiratanga mō ngā uri whakatipu Whano,
whano! Haramai te toki! Haumi ē! Hui ē! Tāiki ē!
The Centre operates under the following principles:
- Excellence in our research, training and education programmes
- Best practice research processes, and full compliance with ethical requirements
- Ongoing engagement with local, national and regional end-users
- A global outlook that constantly benchmarks against the world’s best
- Inclusiveness, flexibility, accessibility and the use of appropriate technology in the delivery of programs
- Professionalism and integrity in all operations
- An environment that encourages and supports the wellbeing of staff and students
Advisory board
Advisory Group
University of Auckland
Emeritus Professor Mick Clout
Professor James Russell
Associate Professor Bruce Burns
Auckland Council
Dr Imogen Bassett
Department of Conservation
Dr Craig Gillies
Ministry for Primary Industries
Dr Lalith Kumarasinghe
New Zealand Centre for Conservation Medicine
Dr Richard Gibson
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
Dr Frank Molinia
Plant & Food Research
Dr Nick Waipara